Essential Sunday tasks for a stress-free week

Do you start Monday mornings in a state of panic?  If the working week overwhelms you before you’ve even set foot in the office, help is at hand. The trick to conquering Monday mornings is to treat Sunday as your preparation day. By sacrificing a couple of hours, you can start the week feeling organised, serene and ready to take on the world. Get ready for my essential Sunday tasks for a stress-free week.

close of up of an Oyster card - essential Sunday tasks for a stress-free week

Oyster Card

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30,000 cups of tea: A British office worker’s life laid bare

One office romance, 30,000 cups of tea and 705 minor disagreements,
(some of which undoubtedly are about the tea round); mark the passage of
the average British office worker’s 47 years of active service.  These findings
are part of a brand new study commissioned by The Association of
Accounting Technicians which provides a fascinating snapshot of how we
work now.

Snapshot of office life infographic

Snapshot of office life

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The future of office life revealed

Over the last twenty years, working life has changed out of all recognition and with it our expectations of how, where and when we work.  As technology continues to advance at a frightening pace, how will offices operate in the future?  Perhaps they’ll cease to exist altogether as we all revert to pyjama-clad recluses working from home on a permanent basis.  A new report from Sodexo gives us a hint of what’s in store now and in the future.

interior of an office

Office life

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5 secret ways to fit in exercise at work

No time to exercise?  Weight piling on?   As the British long hours culture sees us spending increasing hours at our desk, all too often, our gym membership becomes a fleeting phantom of our former good intentions.  With siting declared to be the new smoking, it’s time to inject a little movement into the daily routine with these quick and easy ways to exercise at work – some of which can even be done sitting at your desk.

Post it notes

Post it notes

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5 reasons to love being back at work in September

Sipping ice-cold mojitos on a sun-lounger wearing little more than a slick of Ambre Solaire.  If this was how you spent the last two weeks of August, the return to work this September can be a cruel end to summer. But as you trudge back to your desk to resume old routines, the new season has a few hidden benefits tucked up its sleeve. If you’re facing the back to work blues, here’s a few crumbs of consolation to get you back into the swing of being back at work.

Red Russian vine by a doorway

Red autumn leaves

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A reluctant office worker’s guide to training for a trek

With less than four weeks until my first ever trek, its now or never. Since signing up for the challenge in April this year, I’ve already climbed quite a few mountains. Dragged kicking and screaming into strict training regimes and eye-watering outdoors shops, I now no longer flinch at paying £20.00 for a pair of socks or walking a marathon in a day. Transformed from Sunday afternoon ambler, I’m now ready to take on North Africa’s highest peak and you can too, (if you’re mad enough), by following these tips.

Atlas Mountains

Atlas Mountains

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5 epic ways to survive a bad day at work

Having one of those days? Whether it’s tube disruptions, disputes with colleagues or a run-in with the boss, a bad day at the office can generate a maelstrom of emotions ranging from anger and frustration through to anxiety and feelings of inadequacy. The tried-and-tested distraction techniques below are guaranteed to transform Mont Blanc-style mountains back into mole hills – allowing you to take back control and get your day back on track.

smiley stress ball

Smiley stress ball

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5 reasons why your office job beats going freelance

With self-employment in the UK at the highest levels since records began, an exodus is taking place in offices across the land. But while there are undisputed benefits to the freelance lifestyle, there are many things we take for granted about office life that are sorely missed when we clear our desk for good.  Having endlessly mentally wrestled with both scenarios, here are my top five reasons why I believe the grass remains greener on the office side of the fence.

close up of grass in a meadow

On the Green

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5 instant lunch break mood boosters

Having a tough day at the office?  If workplace dramas are getting you down, stewing in your seat all lunch break can transform molehills into Himalayan peaks.   It’s our thoughts that create our feelings and even a momentary distraction can help us break out of negative emotional states and see things differently.  My tried-and-tested mood boosters below take only a few minutes but are insanely effective in breaking out of the spiral of negative thinking.

mug with a happy face on a desk


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5 ways blogging can super-charge your career

Since starting Office Breaks eighteen months ago, what I expected to be purely a fun hobby has challenged me in ways I’d never imagined.  Addictive yet often maddeningly frustrating, the constant quest to win new fans and followers has enabled me to develop a whole new skill-set, not to mention a more creative outlook on life. If you’re still not convinced, here are my top five reasons why blogging could be your best career move yet.

lego man blogging


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