How to learn to love your job when you really don’t

If you really don’t love your job – you’re not alone.  According to a Gallup poll, 90% of the UK’s working population lack enthusiasm for their job.  It’s therefore not surprising that 12.7 million of us are actively seeking new pastures every day. But as someone who’s been there, I’ve learnt that sometimes the grass isn’t always greener on the other side.  If you’re feeling stuck but can’t move on right now, here are a few hard-earned tips on how to turn things around.

lego man at desk
Lego man sat his desk. Photo credit: ColeyDude
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5 reasons why your office job beats going freelance

With self-employment in the UK at the highest levels since records began, an exodus is taking place in offices across the land. But while there are undisputed benefits to the freelance lifestyle, there are many things we take for granted about office life that are sorely missed when we clear our desk for good.  Having endlessly mentally wrestled with both scenarios, here are my top five reasons why I believe the grass remains greener on the office side of the fence.

close up of grass in a meadow

On the Green

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How to fit a full day’s work into one hour

Did you work late last night? Are you still chained to your desk long after the cleaners have been and gone? Work expands to fill the time available and nowhere is this more apparent than in the corporate world.  If you’re totting up the amount of rent you could save by moving your bed in full-time, help is at hand from a brand new book that claims to be able to teach us how to fit a full day’s work into one hour. Intrigued?  Read on for the top five tips on how to super-charge your working day and re-claim your summer evenings by Winning without Losing.

working late, office blocks,

Working late

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Why you should book annual leave on your return from holiday

With the sloth and gluttony of the festive season fast becoming a fleeting memory, January can feel like the bleakest month of the working year.   In fact, the third Monday of the month is officially classed as Blue Monday, the single most depressing day of the year.  With the summer holidays tantalisingly out of reach, it is no wonder that few of us are achieving a paradigm shift in our productivity levels.

Kotor Bay Montenegro

Kotor Bay Montenegro

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