A reluctant office worker’s guide to training for a trek

With less than four weeks until my first ever trek, its now or never. Since signing up for the challenge in April this year, I’ve already climbed quite a few mountains. Dragged kicking and screaming into strict training regimes and eye-watering outdoors shops, I now no longer flinch at paying £20.00 for a pair of socks or walking a marathon in a day. Transformed from Sunday afternoon ambler, I’m now ready to take on North Africa’s highest peak and you can too, (if you’re mad enough), by following these tips.

Atlas Mountains

Atlas Mountains

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Weekend hike to Mount Snowdon

With only four months to go (yikes) until my Atlas Mountain trek, I decided to head for the hills this May bank holiday weekend to do my first ever mountain climb.  Equipped with compeed plasters, gloves, scarves and a mountain of cereal bars, I left my desk at lunchtime on Friday to join thirteen other intrepid Londoners destined for Mount Snowdon in the Welsh outback.

Mount Snowdon

Mount Snowdon

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