30 things I can’t wait to do after lockdown ends

With no end in sight to lockdown, we’re all getting a little jaded with making banana bread and crocheting blankets.  As cabin fever sets in, we can still travel in our minds and fantasize about doing all the things that we previously took for granted. Here are my top thirty things that I can’t wait to do once lockdown is over – some a tad surprising even to me!

plateful of donuts
Plateful of donuts

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5 surprising ways Coronavirus is shaking up office culture

After a knuckle duster Brexit ride last year, we’ve now been tossed out of the frying pan and into a fire of pandemic proportions.  And nowhere are the impacts more apparent than in the office.  With the prospect of working from home becoming the norm for the months ahead, Coronavirus is radically changing the way we work. While nobody would have wished for such a contagion, there have been five surprising silver linings that could shake up office culture for the foreseeable future.

modern office reception area
modern office reception

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Team volunteering day at Hackney Food Bank

supplies of instant pasta at Hackney Food bank
Supplies of instant pasta at Hackney Food Bank

In common with many offices across the land, my company offers two days per year for employees to volunteer at the charity of their choice.  Being a sociable bunch, we opted for a team volunteering day.  But with an endless supply of good causes, who to choose?   Being food lovers who love the indoors this time of year, we chose a team volunteering day at Hackney Food Bank. And what an eye opener it turned out to be.

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Why ditching contactless can save you hundreds of pounds a month

Are you always running short by the end of the month?   If you want to save more of your salary but can’t face the faff of scrutinising every penny leaving your account, help is at hand. Ditching contactless in favour of good old-fashioned cash has paid dividends for my savings and here’s how you can save more too.

Jane Austen on the new ten pound note
Jane Austen pictured on the new ten pound note

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