5 tips to transform your morning commute

How was this morning’s commute?  For many, it can be the most stressful part of the day creating increased blood pressure and excessive venting on arrival at the office.   However with a change of mind-set, you can transform your commute from a feat of super-human endurance into positive preparation for the day ahead.  Sound far-fetched?  Here are my top 5 tips to use your commute to your advantage.
Image courtesy of Tomosauras on Flickr 

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1) The early bird gets the seat
Now that daylight’s upon us at 6.00, it’s getting a little easier to part company with the duvet.  Seize the chance to rise a little earlier and you can bag a seat before the circus arrives.  This will save you both the stress and resulting bitterness from losing out in the life-boat scramble later in the morning.  Once smugly ensconced, you’ll actually have three centimetres of space to breathe and attend to what you need to do.

2) Plan the day
Good time management is all about planning and the tube ride gives you the space to think clearly about the day ahead before being assailed by the inbox.  Tackling difficult tasks first while you’re fresh is a no-brainer and ensuring that at least a couple of tasks can be ticked off, will ward off that uneasy feeling of having got nothing done.   If your schedule permits, plan to do something new at lunchtime to increase motivation and productivity in the afternoon. Image courtesy of Annie Mole on Flickr

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3) Blitz through tasks
if you have access to a seat and office server, why not use the commuting dead time to blitz through some of the time-stealing tasks of the day.  It’s a great time for clearing the inbox (a task that never gets done in my case), posting on work social media channels or re-organising files and folders to save time and ease frustrations later in the day.

4) Mentally prepare
In the event you can’t get a seat, you can still escape the claustrophobic confines of the carriage by turning your attention inwards.  Meditation techniques can provide a much-needed sense of calm to take you away from your surroundings.  Even just a minute can soothe frayed nerves and transport you to a more serene setting.   Once off the tube, why not try visualisation techniques to ensure a more productive day.  Used by athletes to enhance performance, take yourself effortlessly through all the day’s tasks right up to leaving on time and watch it manifest.

5) Plan your escape
What better place to plan an office break than stuck in the confines of a cattle truck. Your commuting time can also be self-indulgent me-time.  Take a moment to think where you would rather be right now and then start doing some research if you have a laptop handy.  The act of thinking about holidays is an instant mood-booster and will take you away from the stress of the current situation.

How do you survive your daily commute?  Share what works for you.

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