Win tickets to the London CRUISE Show

Relaxing on deck, savouring gourmet cuisine and visiting exotic ports – the cruise lifestyle’s a far cry from life back at the office.  If you’ve ever dreamt of cruising round the Caribbean or disembarking to visit the Rio Carnival, the London CRUISE show is for you. Hosting the largest collection of major cruise lines and specialist cruise operators all under one roof, it’s Europe’s leading cruise event.  And we’re giving away free tickets to three lucky readers.

Cruise ship sailing round Sydney - win tickets to the London Cruise Show 2016

The London Cruise Show

The London CRUISE Show – Olympia 20-21 February 2016

Whether you’re looking for a once-in-a-lifetime expedition cruise up the Amazon or a cultural river cruise through the fjords of Norway, the London CRUISE Show is your one-stop-shop for amazing cruise experiences.

Benefit from money-saving offers, free talks, expert advice and all the latest news from the cruise lines about what’s hot for 2016/2017.

For more show information, talk timetables and a full exhibitors list please visit:

We’re giving three lucky readers the chance to win tickets to the show.

Leave a comment below for a chance to win.  (Winners will be chosen at random.)
Full terms and conditions apply.  Entrants will be added to the Office Breaks mailing
list.  Should you wish to opt out of the mailing list, please add the word “unsubscribe” to your comment.

Entry deadline: midnight Monday 15 February 2016.

If you could go anywhere, what would be your dream cruise?

We are also offering reduced price advance tickets to the show! Get your tickets for only £4 (that’s saving £6 off the door price!!) by quoting ‘Office Breaks’ when booking tickets online at or when calling 0871 620 4024. (Calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras).



33 thoughts on “Win tickets to the London CRUISE Show

  1. We were supposed to go on a carribean cruise for our 25th anniversary but fate conspired against us and we couldn’t go so if I could choose any cruise that would be it. The beautiful Carribean.

  2. Have never been on a cruise and we would love to plan one to the Caribbean this year – what better way to see so many diverse islands and cultures – all without constantly packing?

  3. After going on our first cruise last year. Would love to see what other cruise are available and what other cruise companies have to offer. Cruise ships are one of the wonders of the world

  4. My dream is to go on a cruise, I would love to go on a cruise around Ireland/UK. Or a lovely carribean cruise. I also really love the Disney Cruise line!

  5. The only cruise ship I have been on was a Christmas party on the QE2 – I would love to cruise somewhere warm. The Caribbean or The Canaries would do very nicely xx

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