A flash of red and white snakes through the undergrowth as a fleet of heaving Santas thunders past in this year’s Santa Dash. Struggling to grapple with wayward beards and flouncy red tops, they brave the grey drizzle of an early December Sunday morning. Feeling festive, I decided to cheer them on as they braved the elements.

Father Christmas at the Santa Dash 2018
What is the Santa Dash?
The Santa dash is a charity run which takes place in many locations throughout the UK in December in support a variety of different charities. The runs vary in distance from 1.8 up to 5 and 10K runs making it accessible to all. Participants pay a set entry fee of £17.00 – £25.00 and in return receive a Santa costume complete with beard and hat.

Santa Dash runners around Ruislip Lido
Who takes part in the Santa Dash?
The Santa dash is an inclusive event and runners range from primary school children through to pensioners. Dogs are also welcome on some runs. Participants can either run or walk the length of the course according to their own fitness ability.

Runners preparing for the Santa Dash at Ruislip Lido
Santa dash at Ruislip Lido
Approximately 70 runners braved the grey December drizzle at Ruislip Lido in support of Harefield Hospital’s intensive care unit. The 1.8 kilometre route around the Lido is fairly flat with no punishing hills to endure and takes around 20 minutes to walk. Screams of excitement kicked off this year’s race as Santas heaved forward from the starting line. With the exception of a handful of serious runners at the front, after an initial flurry, the majority of Santas opted to take things easy with a leisurely stroll around the lake.

Santa dash runners at Ruislip Lido
A couple of dogs joined the throng – one attired in his very own Santa suit and another Boxer dressed in a natty scarf.

Dog dressed in Santa suit
If you’re non-competitive and generally hate running this particular Santa Dash is the perfect way to get involved in a charity event where the emphasis is firmly on fun rather than serious physical exertion. Bring on the mince pies!

Santa dash runners taking a break on a pirate ship
For more information on the Ruislip Lido Santa Dash, please see this enclosed link: https://www.rbhcharity.org/Event/santadash